We bring job opportunities directly to you, right on our campus.

In both the fall and spring semesters, the Career Services Office hosts employers interviewing students for internship and post-graduate positions. These sessions are known as on-campus interviews, or OCI.

The application process for OCI is called “bidding.” All OCI bidding takes place through REVS. To view a list of participating employers and their hiring criteria, please login to REVS and click on the “OCI” tab.

Student bidding periods for the Summer 2024 OCI sessions will take place:

  • June 2024 Session Virtual Interview Program:  June ​1 – June ​9, 202​4

  • August 2024 Session (Virtual & In-person):  ​July 6 – July 14, 2024

As part of the bidding process, you may need your transcript, which you can download from Howdy. In addition, the CSO will email detailed bidding instructions to all students in advance of each bidding period.

If you receive a callback interview or job offer from any employer with which you interviewed during OCI, please let the CSO know by contacting Career Services at careerservices@law.tamu.edu or stopping by our office. The CSO collects this information for internal records only.

On-Campus Interviewing Policies

  1. Notice of each upcoming OCI session and participation instructions will be posted on the OCI page, REVS, and announced via email
  2. Every applicant should adhere to the employer’s pre-requisites for advertised positions. Misrepresentation of qualifications can result in losing your privileges to access the services offered through the Office of Career Services.

Student participation in OCI and job fairs is a privilege. It is the student’s responsibility to check ​REVS and e-mails for communications from the Office of Career Services (OCS). Personal phone calls giving interview times and details are not guaranteed. All Career Services information will be posted on the website.

Interview Cancellation/No-Show Policies (IMPORTANT – Read Carefully)

  1. A student’s privilege to participate in OCI and/or job fairs can be denied if the student does not appear for a scheduled interview without good cause.
  2. Students must notify the OCS of an interview cancellation at least 48 hours before the scheduled interview or it will be considered a “no-show.” Emergency cancellations will be handled on an individual basis. Excessive cancellations may result in a loss of interviewing privileges. Please have consideration for your fellow students who might have missed obtaining an interview slot and could have used your place if you had given prior notice.
  3. If you miss an interview without prior notification to the OCS, you must meet with the Director of Career Services and provide good cause for the missed interview to have interviewing privileges reinstated. In addition, the OCS must provide a copy of the letter of apology which you will be required to send to the employer on file within 48 hours of the missed interview.
  4. Two “no-shows” for scheduled interviews will result in forfeiture of the use of the OCS.

Applying to Non-OCI Employers – Large Firms

If you’re interested in a summer associate position with a large law firm that does not participate in our fall OCI program, you may still apply directly to the firm. Information on many large law firms is available at http://www.nalpdirectory.com. Generally, large law firms recruit students from the top of the rising 2L class. If you are interested in applying to a large firm, you should have your application materials ready for receipt by the firm’s recruiting coordinator no later than mid-July during the summer between the 1L and 2L year.

NALP Principles for a Fair and Ethical Recruitment Process

From https://www.nalp.org/fair_ethical_recruitment


Candidates are encouraged to comply with the policies and procedures of each law school from which they obtain services, as well as those of employers they engage with during the recruitment process.

Students are encouraged to promptly report any misrepresentation, discrimination, harassment, including sexual harassment, or other inappropriate conduct by employers in the recruitment process to their office of career services and/or the appropriate authority.

Candidates are encouraged to prepare thoroughly for the employment search process by:

  • Engaging in self-assessment before beginning an employment search and availing themselves of the services and resources provided by their office of career services and all other available resources;
  • Learning as much as possible about target employers and the nature of the open positions prior to making employment inquiries; and
  • Interviewing only with employers in which they have a genuine interest.

Candidates should represent their qualifications and interests fully and accurately throughout the employment search process by:

  • Providing, at the request of an employer, an appropriate resume and accurate copies of all academic transcripts, recognizing that should they fail to do so, or should they falsify documentation, they risk sanction from their law school, prospective employers, and/or bar admission authorities;
  • Providing, at the request of an employer, original writing samples that explain the context in which the document was written and identify the extent to which third parties contributed to the document; and
  • Masking or redacting writing samples from law-related employment to preserve client confidentiality and using such writings only with the permission of the supervising attorney.

Candidates are encouraged to conduct themselves in a professional manner at all times during the recruitment process by:

  • Adhering to all scheduling commitments during the on-campus interview process, canceling only for good cause and promptly communicating with the office of career services and the employer when cancellation is necessary;
  • Responding promptly to all requests or invitations from an employer, and only accepting invitations for in-office interviews when the candidate has a genuine interest in working for the employer;
  • Handling in a timely manner any changes or cancellations to an in-office interview, including cancellation of any travel arrangements;
  • Reaching an understanding with an employer about its reimbursement policies prior to traveling, including prorating expenses for trips during which interviews with more than one employer occur in accordance with those employers' reimbursement policies; and
  • Requesting reimbursement only for reasonable expenses directly related to the interview and incurred in good faith, recognizing that failure to observe this policy or falsification or misrepresentation of travel expenses may result in non-reimbursement, elimination from consideration for employment, and/or the revocation of offers by an employer.

Candidates are encouraged to promptly communicate with employers and their office of career services about their acceptance, rejection, or requests for deferrals of employment offers by:

  • Abiding by the standards for candidate responses established by the employer and/or law school and notifying the employer as soon as a decision is made, even if that decision is made in advance of the prevailing response date;
  • Acting in good faith to decline promptly offers for interviews and employment which are no longer being seriously considered by the candidate, in fairness to both employers and peers;
  • Notifying the office of career services upon acceptance of any employment offer in order for law schools to comply with institutional reporting requirements;
  • Withdrawing pending applications or canceling scheduled interviews with other employers after accepting an offer of employment;
  • Holding open only a reasonable number of employment offers at any one time, and following policies established by their law school in this regard; and
  • Apprising prospective employers of any intentions to seek or accept fellowships, judicial clerkships, or other limited term professional employment in order to obtain a clear understanding of the employer's offer deferral policies.

Candidates should honor their employment commitments by:

  • Requesting all offers in writing and confirming offer modifications in writing, in order to avoid undue confusion regarding offer terms; and
  • Notifying promptly, in writing, both the employer and office of career services if it becomes necessary for a candidate to modify or be released from their acceptance of an employment offer.