Welcome to the Residency Externship Program in Public Policy

Meet our students
: Learn more about the students participating in the T​exas A&M School of Law Residency Externship Program in Public Policy in Washington, D.C. and Austin, Texas.

Learn what our students have to say about the program: Each year, students in the Residency Externship Program in Public Policy (REP-PP) contribute to the REP-PP website through blog posts.  In addition to the “Meet the Students” blog posts, each student submits at least one post centered around one of the Aggie Core Values - Loyalty, Excellence, Integrity, Leadership, Respect and Selfless Service. Check back often to see how our students are progressing in their externships and exemplifying our Aggie Core Values.

Texas A&M Law Residency Externship Program in Public Policy Class of 2021-2022

The Texas A&M School of Law Residency Externship Program in Public Policy is pleased to announce the 2021-2022 Class of law students who will be representing the school in Austin, Texas, and Washington, D.C. This year’s class represents the continued commitment to public service that has been a hallmark of the law school’s student body and the participants in this Program.

The 2021-2022 Class includes:

Austin, Texas: 
  • Abigail Adkins, Class of 2022 (Texas Water Development Board)
Washington, D.C.:
  • Annie Birdsong, Class of 2022 (Merck Animal Health & Humane Society of the United States)
  • Tyler Phillips, Class of 2022 (Bracewell LLP, Policy Resolution Group)
  • Rowan Pruitt, Class of 2023 (Federal Mediation &Conciliation Service)

Abigail Adkins
Student NameAbigail Adkins
​Law School Year:  ​​3L, ​Spring 2022 Graduate

Meet Abigail

Why did you decide to participate in the REP-PP?
I wanted to gain practical experience in the field and prepare myself for entering the workforce after finishing law school. I also want a career in public policy and look forward to learning more about what that might look like.

What are you most excited about as you prepare for your REP-PP externship?

I am excited to be back in Austin! I’m also excited to get to experience public policy so firsthand at my job and be a part of that.

How do you think this opportunity will help you develop as a lawyer?

I think this is a great chance to gain real world experience in the public policy world.  This placement will challenge me and give me the opportunity to develop skills that I might not have in a classroom setting. 

How do you think this opportunity will help you develop as a lawyer?

Learning how to write policy that can withstand judicial review is going to be incredible, and working directly with policy makers will certainly help me develop that skill.

How does your participation in the REP-PP demonstrate the Aggie Core Values?
(Excellence, Integrity, Leadership, Loyalty, Respect, Selfless Service)

Participation in this program gives me the opportunity to grow in my skills and strive for excellence, as well as represent the law school to others.

What are your personal goals for your semester in the REP-PP?
I want to grow as a young attorney and prepare to start my career post law school. I hope to develop my communication skills and learn more about what it means to be a government attorney. 

Annie Birdsong
Student NameAnnie Birdsong
​Law School Year:  ​​3L, ​Spring 2022 Graduate

Meet Annie

Why did you decide to participate in the REP-PP?

I chose to attend Texas A&M School of Law for many reasons, one of those being this program. I connected with Professor Lisa Rich, the REP-PP Director, prior to even applying for admission. I knew that I wanted my law career to take me to Washington, D.C. so I could work in the heart of policymaking. I applied to several D.C. area law schools, but TAMU made the most sense for me and got me to my end goal. 

I have always been interested in policy and an activist since I was a kid. I’ve been encouraging others to care about animals and wildlife in every aspect of my life, and always knew advocacy would be a critical part of my career.

What are you most excited about as you prepare for your REP-PP externship?

I am most excited to be taking this step into the next chapter of my life. I am so eager to start fresh and just learn as much as I can. Being an expert in your field can be a really good feeling, but we often take for granted what an amazing experience it is to be a complete novice.

How do you think this opportunity will help you develop as a lawyer?

I thrive in fast-paced, trial-by-fire environments. This opportunity gives me the ability to learn in the best way for me, but also have the structure and guidance of law school. I think this truly is the best format for my last semester in law school; it is the perfect transition.

How does your participation in the REP-PP demonstrate the Aggie Core Values?
(Excellence, Integrity, Leadership, Loyalty, Respect, Selfless Service)

The Aggie Core Values were already integral parts of my personal core values long before I became an Aggie. Representing a school that shares these beliefs makes it come easy. I can be myself and fall back on these tenants when I need to guide my day. These are simple principles that can be brought into practice every day. If things aren’t going perfectly, identifying one Core Value and finding a way to incorporate it into your day will always result in a better experience for everyone.

What are your personal goals for your semester in the REP-PP?
I’m here to learn how to be the best advocate I possibly can and jumpstart my career in policy. I plan to stay in D.C. after I graduate, so I am working to make strong connections and forge meaningful relationships this semester.

Tyler Phillips
Student NameTyler Phillips
​Law School Year:  ​​3L, ​Spring 2022 Graduate

Meet Tyler

Why did you decide to participate in the REP-PP?
I decided to participate in the REP-PP because I had such a great time in DC this summer when I Interned here for the first time. I also had an opportunity at a place that I was really excited about, so there was hardly a decision to make!

What are you most excited about as you prepare for your REP-PP externship?

I am most excited to learn what the private side of policy looks like. I have gotten to experience what is like working in a public office where you serve the constituents, so it will be Interesting to see what it Is like to work in a policy space while serving private clients.

How do you think this opportunity will help you develop as a lawyer?

This will expose me to different roles for lawyers as well as legal/lawmaking processes that It Is hard to truly understand and appreciate while only reading about them in a textbook.

How does your participation in the REP-PP demonstrate the Aggie Core Values?
(Excellence, Integrity, Leadership, Loyalty, Respect, Selfless Service)

My participation in the REP-PP Is a demonstration of selfless service in my opinion. I am putting myself in position to better understand how policy truly takes place. Public policy Is something that can Impact everyone, so I hope that something I learned through this program can be utilized in service of others someday.

What are your personal goals for your semester in the REP-PP?
My personal goals are to learn as much as I can and enjoy this unique experience. I will never have an opportunity like this again. I want to look back on this experience and be able to recall learning moments as well as special memories that I could only make in the historical and social city that our nation's capital Is.

Rowan Pruitt
Student NameRowan Pruitt
​Law School Year:  ​​2L, ​Spring 2023 Graduate

Meet Rowan

Why did you decide to participate in the REP-PP?
I chose to attend Texas A&M School of Law primarily because of the Residency Externship Program for Public Policy and the opportunity to spend time in Washington D.C. I came to law school to prepare for a career in public policy, and the REP-PP program stood out as the experience to do that. I had previously worked at the Texas Legislature in Austin at the State House, and wanted to explore working in the Federal Government as well as in a different branch, the Executive. The REP-PP has given me the chance to do just that with the independent agency, the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service.

What are you most excited about as you prepare for your REP-PP externship?

During my externship through REP-PP, I am excited to grow as a law student and start building a legal career. I am excited to gain experiential skills, get out of the classroom, and learn from practice. I am excited to learn about the ins and outs of the Federal Government, learn how State and Federal Governments can work together, and find my role within it.

How do you think this opportunity will help you develop as a lawyer?

I will develop as a lawyer by gaining skills in facilitation, and negotiation. I will learn how to unite people’s interests and build consensus. I will learn about how policy is made and implemented within the Executive branch, and the various ways in which lawyers work within the Legislative branch. Most importantly, I will gain confidence in my skills and abilities as a legal mind.

How does your participation in the REP-PP demonstrate the Aggie Core Values?
(Excellence, Integrity, Leadership, Loyalty, Respect, Selfless Service)

My participation in the REP-PP demonstrates selfless service, especially with my placement at the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, an agency that provides mediation and conflict management services to the government, private sector, and individuals alike, as well as education opportunities in conflict management skills. My participation and that of my peers also demonstrate excellence and leadership as we strike out on our own in D.C., and represent Texas A&M School of Law in the Nation’s, and Texas’ Capital cities. 

What are your personal goals for your semester in the REP-PP?
My personal goals for this semester in the REP-PP include doing a good job in my placement, expanding my understanding of conflict management and Alternative Dispute Resolution, building my network, visiting as many museums as possible, and taking advantage of living on the east coast.

Rowan's Blog

I've been in Washington D.C., with the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service (FMCS) through the Residency Externship Program in Public Policy (REP-PP) at Texas A&M School of Law for a month and I've already grown as a student and future Aggie Lawyer. I've seen new ways of practicing law and making public policy and it excites me. From a guest speaker, TAMU Law alum, Tom Connally using his law degree in the United States Congress to Commissioners at the FMCS facilitating Negotiated Rulemaking proceedings, ideas for my future have blossomed. A recurring theme has emerged, a piece of wisdom everyone drops; Integrity. Integrity is imperative to build trust in law, mediation, public policy, and networking alike. Together integrity and trust are the backbone of strong relationships and a positive reputation.

Integrity has an important place in the practice of law and the public policy process. It's a value that sometimes feels lost in both, which is why it is so important for Aggie Lawyers to embody it. To me, integrity means having values and living up to them. Integrity is a moral compass, a way to ensure I am living up to the kind of person I want to be.

Integrity has a big role at the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service. As facilitators of mediations and collective bargaining agreements, commissioners see people at their most vulnerable, yet they are required to be neutral and objective. Maintaining neutrality and objectivity is necessary for all parties to feel as if they are heard and for them to build a consensus; mediators have to uphold those principles through integrity. Integrity in the process is what keeps mediation functioning. There is no success in conflict management without integrity.

Integrity is also important in the making of public policy and working for causes you support. As discussed in our Seminar class, The Lawyer in Government, your resume follows you so you better feel good about what's on it. I am inspired by my peers in the REP-PP and their projects. Each passionately fighting for causes to which they are connected, from animal welfare to the integration of cryptocurrency into the US economy and water development.

Integrity is additionally important when navigating networking and professional opportunities because you never know when you might see someone you've previously met, and when you might need something from them. You want them not only to say nice things about you, but you want them to be able to count on you and know that you represent what you say - that only happens with integrity.

I have more time left in D.C. and a lot more to learn. I can't wait to see what else the practice of law and public policy has to bring me, and to find my place in it.