Code Maroon Signup

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Sign up for Code Maroon text alerts today!

The easiest way to receive official information during an emergency is through Code Maroon Law text alerts. Sign up today!

In the event of an emergency, school closing, or delayed opening, all law school students, faculty, and staff will receive an email via Code Maroon to their law school email, regardless of whether or not the individual registered for Code Maroon Law alerts. If you registered for Code Maroon Law text alerts, you will also receive a text message. The Law School website homepage will also display any active Code Maroon Law alert.

Code Maroon goes mobile. In addition to text alerts, download the Code Maroon Law Alert app today for real-time alerts, emergency contacts and additional features like the Friend Walk. Visit the Android or Apple app store today.

Learn more about Code Maroon.

Code Maroon Law Goes Mobile