International Aggies: Fort Worth to London: Markovic Presents at London Ethics Conference

June 27, 2014


Texas A&M University School of Law professor Milan Markovic will present two papers at the International Legal Ethics Conference VI at City University London, July 10-12.

“Subprime Scriveners” discusses the responsibility of lawyers for the financial crisis through their work on mortgage-backed securities offerings. “Disruption Rhetoric and the Market for Legal Service” offers a skeptical account of the concept of disruptive innovation in the law, which suggests that lawyers and law firms cannot compete with technology-savvy new entrants that are able to deliver legal services more cheaply and efficiently, Markovic said.

The conference, Legal Ethics at a Time of Regulatory Change, is the sixth bi-annual conference by the International Legal Ethics Association. The gathering attracts hundreds of international scholars, practicing lawyers and higher education professionals.